Settings – My Account Widget

The Settings icon in the My Accounts widget on the home page, provides access to features like Rename, Reorder, and Hide accounts.

  • Rename Account

    With the upgrade of Online Banking, you now have the ability to change account descriptions (nicknames) for easier recognition. To use this feature:

    1. Click on Settings, all the accounts will appear showing the default names.
    2. Enter the new name of the account(s) in the nickname field.
    3. Click on the Go to My Accounts button to save this entry, the newly named accounts will now appear on the list of accounts.

  • Hide A Displayed Account

    You can hide the accounts you don’t wish to see. To do so follow the instructions below:

    1. Click on Settings.
    2. Locate the account to be hidden. Unselect the Show account option next to that account and the account name will no longer be seen within the Accounts Widget on the Home Page.
    3. Click the Go to My Accounts button to save this change.

    This change can be reversed at any time by selecting the Show Account option once again.

  • Change Account Order

    Your account categories have been set up to automatically display in a certain order. You can change the order of these accounts as you please.

    1. Click on Settings
    2. Use the “hamburger” icon on the right to drag and drop it to the order you wish to view the accounts.
    3. Click the Go to My Accounts button to save this change.