Lost or Stolen Visa?

Is your card not working, or has it been lost or stolen?
Regular Business Hours: (801) 566-4195
After Regular Business Hours: (866) 561-2907
Calling Collect From Outside the US: +1-727-299-2449

Activate Your New VISA

Changing Your PIN

If you need to change or reset the PIN associated with your card call our PIN Now service:
(888) 886-0083

Be Safe While Shopping Online

Visa Secure is a program that helps confirm your identity when you make an online purchase. This service helps make shopping online more secure by protecting against unauthorized use of your Visa card. There’s no need to download anything, install software or register. During an online purchase you may be guided through an extra check to verify your identity. This helps your issuer ensure you’re you and better protects you from fraud.


Traveling Soon? Give us a Call!

To let us know when you are traveling, please call (801) 566-4195 during regular business hours before you leave. This ensures that you can use your funds while you’re gone!