Online Banking: Registration + Setup

Congratulations on becoming a Jordan Credit Union member! If you haven’t already, you’ll want to register for and set up Online Banking. Follow the steps below to get started. If you have questions, feel free to give us a call at (801) 566-4195.

  • Register for Online Banking (web)

    To Register:

    1. In a browser, navigate to:
    2. Create a Username
      • Must be at least 6 characters
      • Cannot be all numbers
      • Cannot contain any part of your account number
    3. Create a Password
      • 6-32 characters
      • Must be a mix of letters, numbers, or special characters
      • Acceptable special characters include ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ + – = ( ) [ ] { } | : ; ‘ , . / ?
    4. Fill in the rest of your personal information
      (Verify your name and contact information are updated with JCU if you are unsure).
    5. Enter in your member number (account number without the dash and last number).
      Ex: If your account number is 123456-7 then the member number entered should be 123456

    6. Read the Terms & Conditions of Service. Check the box to accept.
    7. Select the gray Complete Sign Up box to submit your registration.
    8. If all the information provided matches the personal information on file, your registration will be accepted.
    9. Login and verify your device via a code sent via phone call, text, or email on file.
    10. Save your device verification:
      • Select Yes if the device is a personal device not used by other parties and you don’t want to verify login each time.
      • Select No to verify the device each time you log in.
      • Every time a new device is used to login (Laptop, Tablet, or phone), you will verify the new device.

    Note: If you receive an error or pending message, please contact us at (801)566-4195.

  • Register for Online Banking (mobile app)

    To Register:

    1. Open Google Play or the App Store on your mobile device and search Jordan Credit Union

    2. Download and open the application
    3. Select the Sign Up option in the bottom left corner of the application.
    4. Create a Username
      • Must be at least 6 characters
      • Cannot be all numbers
      • Cannot contain any part of your account number
    5. Create a Password
      • 6-32 characters
      • Must be a mix of letters, numbers, or special characters
      • Acceptable special characters include ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ + – = ( ) [ ] { } | : ; ‘ , . / ?
    6. Fill in the rest of your personal information
      (Verify your name and contact information are updated with JCU if you are unsure).
    7. Enter in your member number (account number without the dash and last number).
      Ex: If your account number is 123456-7 then the member number entered should be 123456

    8. Read the Terms & Conditions of Service. Check the box to accept.
    9. Select the gray Complete Sign Up box to submit your registration.
    10. If all the information provided matches the personal information on file, your registration will be accepted.
    11. Save your device verification:
      • Select Yes if the device is a personal device not used by other parties and you don’t want to verify login each time.
      • Select No to verify the device each time you log in.
      • Every time a new device is used to login (Laptop, Tablet, or phone), you will verify the new device.

    Note: If you receive an error or pending message, please contact us at (801)566-4195.

  • Online Statements

    If you have Cash Back or Elite Checking you will need to opt into online estatements to qualify for the monthly rewards.

    Opt into eStatements:

    1. Log into Online Banking
    2. Navigate to Online Statements:
      • DESKTOP: Select Additional Services from the top menu, then select Online Statements
      • MOBILE: Open the “More” section at the bottom of the home page and then select Online Statements.
    3. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
    4. Complete the verification indicating that you have the ability to see and save online statements.
    5. Opt in

  • Optional Features

    Once you’ve set up your Online Banking, you can utilize additional features. You can find a quick overview of your options here: Online Banking