60 MONTHS | 72 MONTHS | 84 MONTHS | |
Rates as low as | 8.49% APR* | 8.49% APR* | 8.49% APR* |
Monthly Payment Estimate per $1000^ | $20.51 | $17.77 | $15.83 |
*Annual Percentage Rates (APR) are subject to change without notice and are based on approved credit. Rates shown above are our best rates available on new/used small recreational vehicle purchases and refinanced loans from other financial institutions. Your rate may be higher based on credit history, eligibility, and underwriting criteria. Speak with a JCU Relationship Representative for more details. ^Monthly payment estimates per $1000 borrowed. Estimate includes payment protection. Rates updated December 6, 2023. |
Loan Calculator
The above calculator tool is for informational purposes only. The usage of the above calculator does not guarantee an extension of credit.