This tab will show all your accounts as one aggregated whole, but only if you add them. All of your JCU suffixes and loans should import automatically. You can then add accounts from a wide array of sources: HSAs, Investment Accounts, Lines of Credit, etc. You can even manually add accounts and assets that don’t have a digital point of access.
Getting Started
To add accounts from other Financial Institutions, click on the “+Add an Account” button on the top right.
Enter the name of the financial institution. Often, several options for a given financial institution will appear. Make sure you pay attention to which URL you are selecting; it should be the same URL you use to login to that particular institution.
Once selected, you will be prompted to enter your login credentials for that account. After a few minutes, all the accounts associated with that login should import. These will update each time you log in to Online Banking.
If there are any issues with the connection, there will be an error notification that will try to help find a solution to the connection issue. If nothing seems to fix the problem, please click on the “?” icon in the top right and select the blue “Request Support” button.
After you add all your accounts onto this page, you can see a quick summary of your accounts split into categories on the left hand side. The categories might be Investments, Checking, Mortgage, Credit Cards, Loans, etc., on the far left of the Accounts Tab.
Account Options
After adding all your accounts, you can click on any of the accounts and do the following:
ACTIVITY – See a transaction history within the account by looking at the “ACTIVITY” section. (This is selected by default)
If you do select a transaction, in the top right you will see ellipses (three dots), which will provide even more options, including:
Mark as Duplicate – Use this option if Money Management ever imports duplicates of the same account
Mark as Closed – This will close out an account if the connection doesn’t close an unwanted account automatically.
Hide Account – If you don’t want an account considered in the everyday budgets, but you would still like to be able to see it occasionally.
HISTORY – See a Month by Month cash-flow comparison
DETAILS – Change details like the account name, Business/Personal Accounts, or even change the account type for manually added accounts.
Deleting an Account
If you would like to delete an account from the account list:
Click on the icon that looks like a bank in the top right (to the left of the bell)
Select the account you’d like to delete and click on the “Delete Institution” option.
You will need to type the word “DELETE” in the box that appears, then click on the Delete button to officially delete the account.